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The economy we know today is founded on the theft of indigenous land and lives, slavery, and colonialism. This legacy lives with us in many ways, including an entrenched racial wealth gap that leaves black and brown communities without basic economic security and a growing prison economy that profits off the misery of those same communities.
In this moment of visionary leadership and resistance from communities of color, we ask, “what are the economic tools and strategies that will dismantle systemic racism and move us closer to collective liberation?”
Join us on Tuesday, 11/10 to celebrate the work that many of us are doing to build an economy where #BlackLivesMatter and learn more about #SolidarityEconomySTL.
When: Tuesday, Nov. 10th from 6PM-8PM
Where: Yeyo Arts, 2907 S. Jefferson Ave.
FREE food courtesy of Mokabe’s and Sweet Art!
Energy work and creative activities provided by Black Lotus Mobile Healing Arts
Hosted by: Solidarity Economy STL, MORE, Yeyo Arts, Black Lotus Mobile Healing Arts
Solidarity Economy St. Louis is a coalition of social justice organizations, small businesses, and individuals striving to build and grow a just and sustainable economy. Learn more at, and email solidaritystl [at] to get involved.
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