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This Changes Everything - The Movie based on Naomi Klein book. FREE Showing in Columbia MD. This movie is an epic attempt to re-imagine the vast challenge of climate change. The film presents seven powerful portraits of communities on the front lines, from Montana’s Powder River Basin to the Alberta Tar Sands, from the coast of South India to Beijing and beyond. Interwoven with these stories of struggle is Klein’s narration, connecting the carbon in the air with the economic system that put it there. Throughout the film, Klein builds to her most controversial and exciting idea: that we can seize the existential crisis of climate change to transform our failed economic system into something radically better. RSVP here. Showing is part of New Economy Week - From Austerity to Prosperity —a public conversation about the ideas that can transform society and build an economy where people and the planet matter. Co-sponsored by Howard Community College. On-campus parking is tight and there are shuttles from other locations in Columbia. See parking information here.
NOTE: There is also a free screening Mon Nov 9, 7-9 pm in a church in Laurel. INFO and RSVP here.
And there is another screening Sun Nov 15 , 4pm at Maryland Presbyterian Church,1105 Providence Road, Towson, MD 21286. Info contact Seth Bush, seth.bush [at], (267) 474-3488
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