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The United States is negotiating three massive international treaties–the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Trade-in-Services Agreement (TiSA). These deals are crafted in secret by multinational corporations and big bankers for their own benefit at our expense. They will expand global corporate rule, harming the planet and people everywhere, and destroying democracy.
From November 14 to 18, 2015, people will converge on Washington, DC to demand that the United States drop these deals and create, in a transparent and democratic way, alternative international economic agreements that put people and the planet first. Our actions coincide with the APEC meetings in the Philippines, where US officials (including trade reps) will push the TPP, and our Philippine allies will have mass protests.
There will be all kinds of amazing activities in DC during these days: training with the backbone campaign, community art builds, panels, and lots of creative action at key locations! See the schedule here:!
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