New Economy Coalition

The mission of the New Economy Coalition (NEC) is to convene and support all those who might contribute to an economy that is restorative to people, place, and planet, and that operates according to principles of democracy, justice and appropriate scale. Faced with interconnected ecological and economic crises, we believe that shared prosperity, sustainability and an equitable society require deep, systemic changes to both our economy and our politics. We support a just transition to a new economy that enables both thriving communities and ecological health.

Today, the majority of people are deprived of a voice in political and economic life. Fundamental flaws in the political economic system permit the concentration of resources and power, exacerbating inequality and destroying ecosystems. The beneficiaries of this system obstruct efforts to restore communities and livelihoods. These crises are poisoning our water, air, and land; creating climate chaos; and driving millions into disease and poverty.

The old models have not delivered. Something new is required.

Many people are currently working on components of a new economy, but too often their efforts remain fragmented and outside the mainstream of public discourse. Out of these hundreds of efforts a movement is emerging, but we must pull together to build the power necessary to take on the existing system and usher in an alternative. NEC’s objectives are to spread a new story about whom the economy serves, to facilitate the development of economic alternatives, and to engage coalition members in creating the conditions for transformational change. We offer one another the opportunity to engage with diverse constituencies, amplify our stories, and mobilize support for existing work and new collaborations.

We believe it is possible to bring about a new economy. Many strategies are already available, and more are emerging every day. But policy and models are meaningless without the will and capacity to implement them. It is possible to realize a new paradigm of equity and ecological health through a movement supported by a broad base of people committed to transformative change.

NEC is a network of individuals and organizations interacting within a broad framework of shared objectives, open to many perspectives and ideas. We share a commitment to working across differences to change the political economic system through mutual learning and collaborative action.


NEC currently focuses on issues and actors in North America, recognizing the global implications of change in this region. The activities of our members take place on all levels, from purely local to national and regional. In the longer term we aim to align with movements for change throughout the world that will move all societies towards peace, wellbeing and ecological health.

For more information about NEC, please visit our website.