Born out of an audacious idea that halting the deadly marketing practices of the world’s largest food corporation, Nestlé, could save the lives of millions of newborns, we were then – and are still – at the forefront of the movement tochallenge corporate abuse. For 35 years, we have been waging and winning bold campaigns that safeguard public health, human rights, and the environment from corporate abuse.
Corporate Accountability International is:
- Powered by tens of thousands of members, volunteers, activists and allied organizations invested in a vision for a better world
- Highly regarded as a force for change among national decision makers and global governing bodies such as the United Nations
- An expert resource for media
- A recognized leader in the corporate accountability movement
We are committed to stopping life-threatening abuses by global corporations and increasing their accountability to public institutions and people around the world. As global corporations have grown richer and more powerful than many nations, they increasingly operate without limits on their power or influence. Around the world, global corporations drive government policies, unchecked by strong global policies to protect public health, human rights and the environment.
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