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Burlington Friends Meeting (Quakers) for a New Economy potluck and discussion 5pm on Nov 15 open to the public, at BFM 173 N Prospect St, Burlington, VT 05401. We invite faith groups, 350VT, VTIPL, and others for Q&A. RSVP to fdmillar [at] () lists US events and webinars, Sponsors include 350, IATP, ILSR, Yes! magazine 9-15 November 2015 is New Economy Week: in the week leading up to November 15 there will be major events, keynotes, and daily postings on Facebook, Twitter and social media inviting NEC organizations, community leaders, researchers—and you!—to respond. About:
Good Work and Opportunity for All – Instead of beggar-my-neighbour “market rules”, an economic, social (and spiritual) transformation to secure a viable human future and a better life for everyone.
Building an Economy Where #BlackLivesMatter – What is already being done: what we can learn from Evergreen unionized worker cooperatives in Cincinnati; also Boston, Chicago, Greensboro NC, Bay Area, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, Jackson MI. Locally rooted living economies that are energy-efficient and regionally self-reliant. Local/slow money and food.
Democracy Versus the 1% - Change GDP measures to wellbeing indicators (Kenneth Boulding et al). For a sharing, caring economy where social and environmental laws cannot be overridden by corporate interests and TPP-ETA “investor rights”. End political domination by “dark money” from secret donors (Citizens United and Donors Trust) Details at,,
A People’s Climate Agenda – Concern for people and planet; environmental justice and climate justice movements, US and worldwide. Rules and institutions at the global level to ensure universal rights and protect the integrity of the biosphere; decisions to be taken at the most local level feasible (subsidiarity); protection of rights of local and indigenous communities.
Enough to Go Around – an economy that serves life. Health care, access to education, (healthy) food, water, a stable and safe home, time to spend with our families and friends—these are some of the basic needs that we all share, and that are increasingly falling out of reach for the majority of working people. David Korten: “The existing Wall Street-led system is highly effective and efficient at converting real living wealth to phantom financial wealth to make rich people richer. But it is a path to collective suicide. It should be replaced by a system of locally rooted, self-reliant market economies that honor true market principles, operate by clear rules maintained and enforced by truly democratic governments, and mimic the structure and dynamics of Earth’s biosphere.” A movement for a just, sustainable, and democratic future. st, sustainable, andmocratic future!
More resources
David Millar's notes from the New Economy Conference Jun 2014:
New Economy Coalition
Institute for Policy Studies
Yes! Magazine
Climate justice calls by interfaith and South NGOs
Quakers' Kabarak Call for Peace and Ecojustice (2012)
Eco-economy visions: click “EE” label in
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