Thursday, November 12, 1:00PM to 2:00PM
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In a caring economy, there is enough to go around
The Caring Economy Campaign is making a splash in the New Economy Coalition’s New Economy Week, November 9-14, 2015.
On November 12, join us for a FREE webinar: Care = Prosperity: the Caring Economy Starter Course, offered to an extended network of economists, activists, and leaders around the nations as part of New Economy Week.
The Starter Course connects the dots between care and prosperity and shows how you can join the Caring Economy Campaign and be part of a vital caring movement.
Read the CEC’s contribution to the New Economy blog, In the New Economy, Caring Counts.
Join the 1-hour webinar — online on Thursday, November 12th at 11am PT/2pm ET.
“The atmosphere was friendly, transparent, original, and
compassionate – and a very sound argument was made!” – recent Starter Course participant
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