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Southern Tier Solar works, BRSC, the NYS Energy Democracy Alliance, and our partners are organizing an educational workshop at Broome County Public Library Decker Room to prepare regional residents to testify at the REV (Reforming the Energy Vision) hearings at 6:00 on November 17 at Binghamton City Council Chambers. Please register for the November 12th workshop here
The NYS Department of Public Service is holding REV hearings across the state through November 18. Environmental, social justice, and consumer groups are organizing to participate in the upcoming hearings, and we hope you’ll join us to make REV R.E.A.L.: Renewable, Equitable, Accountable, and Local.
Read the guide to the to the REV hearings, including hearing dates and talking points.
At these workshops, you can learn about the REV, a major decision-making process underway change the way utility companies are regulated in New York, determine who can own the state’s energy resources, and determine how energy markets will be structured. The stated goal of the proceeding is to create a cleaner, more affordable, more modern and more efficient energy system in New York, through the increased development of distributed energy resources, like rooftop solar, energy efficiency, and battery storage.
We will call for clear clean energy goals, focused on real renewable energy and energy efficiency, not false solutions like natural gas and nuclear power. We will demand that all New Yorkers have the opportunity to benefit from energy efficiency and renewables, and that the state dedicate funding for clean energy development to the communities that need it most. We will stand up for consumer protections and a seat at the table in making energy decisions that affect our lives. We will call for green jobs in our local communities, and express our desire for local and community ownership models that will best benefit our neighborhoods. Please join the organizing and help us spread the word
Please pre-register at the link provided so we have enough materials for everyone, and can keep you in the loop as the date of the hearing comes closer.
More details on the REV and the NYS Energy Democracy Alliance at
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