Our broken inner city economy needs a new approach. In today’s economy, holding down a job (or even two) is not enough to get out of poverty. Our cities are full of hard-working poor people. Wage and wealth gaps disproportionately affect people of color, and absentee ownership makes it easier for businesses to make decisions that are disconnected from what is good for workers and for the local community.
We believe that people who work hard should be paid enough to live with dignity and raise a family, and create opportunity for themselves and their children.
At Project Equity, we re-envision community economic development to shift control locally and build economic resiliency in low income communities in the San Francisco Bay Area. We envision a future where business decisions are made through a lens of what is good for workers and communities, leading to businesses that are more successful, communities that are more resilient, and workers who have stable jobs and economic security.
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